Kappa Eta Omega Chapter

Reactivate: Kappa Eta Omega welcomes existing members of Alpha Kappa Alpha to reactivate with the sorority. We encourage and welcome inactive members to attend a meeting. You will get the opportunity to meet our chapter and learn more about Kappa Eta Omega Chapter.
Transfer: Kappa Eta Omega Chapter welcomes all members looking for a new chapter home. If you would like to transfer to Kappa Eta Omega from another chapter, or from being a general member, please contact our Membership Committee at kappaetaomega@gmail.com for further details.
Meeting Information
Member Information
Kappa Eta Omega Chapter meetings are open ONLY to initiated members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Chapter meetings are generally held on the fourth Saturday of the month unless otherwise noted.
First time visitors are encouraged to arrive a few minutes early as credentials and proof of membership is required and must be verified prior to entering the meeting.
You must present (1) of the following:
your most recent membership card
photo identification to the Sergeant-at-Arms upon arrival.
Business attire is required for all chapter meetings unless otherwise noted.
For additional information pertaining to Kappa Eta Omega of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, please e-mail the Membership Chair at kappaetaomega@gmail.com